Message from the President
Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Takeuchi, President, IATSS
(President, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies)
(Project Professor, The University of Tokyo)
In recent years the world has changed drastically.
The Asian region in particular has been showing remarkable and rapid development, and is now becoming one of the most influential regions in the world.
The IATSS Forum started in 1985 with the theme "learning from the modernization process of Japan".
Now, as well as providing opportunities to learn from Japan as a case study, it is also a platform for participants to establish and develop mutual understanding by discussing current issues in their countries and collaboratively identifying potential solutions.
As for the academic world, the contemporary classifications of academic disciplines will no longer be adequate as a transdisciplinary approach is needed.
Since its inception, the IATSS Forum has aimed to train young professionals to be internationally minded leaders who will contribute to global society, and also to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge grounded in science. At the beginning of the 21st century, the IATSS Forum is focusing more on these approaches, as well as developing a leadership program that will enable participants to play a prominent role in international and transdisciplinary conferences.
Today, we have more than 1000 alumni members from various professional fields, including industry, politics and education. Due to this diversity of professions and the 30 years it has existed, our alumni network has expanded not only within each country but also across borders and generations.
Collaborative activities between alumni have now begun to take a firm hold in the Asian region. Ever since the establishment of the IATSS Forum, its participants have always emphasized the approach laid out in its motto "thinking and learning together".
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of the lectures, volunteers and others who believe and understand the IATSS Forum program and provide us with crucial support.
In closing, I hope that all of the participants will make the most of what they have learned and acquired from the IATSS Forum's program, and that this helps them to make important contributions to society in the Southeast Asian region and beyond.