
Applying Knowledge and Experience from
IATSS Forum & Paying Forward to Community

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About Alumni

Upon the completion of the program in Japan, graduates of the program belong to the IATSS Forum Alumni Association in their respective country.

IATSS Forum alumni members are encouraged to join alumni activities, utilizing the experience and learning that they gained at the IATSS Forum as well as the resources and network of alumni members. Activities and projects conducted by IATSS Forum alumni associations vary, ranging from a variety of educational activities at schools and communities, environmental conservation projects, to traffic safety training.

The IATSS Forum also supports alumni activities and projects, by providing a small project grant. We hope that IATSS Forum alumni members will contribute to the development of their community, society and country.

The types of alumni activities the IATSS Forum supports are:

  • Social and community development activities
  • Education purposed activities in a variety of fields
    (e.g. environment, traffic, hygiene, finance, etc.)
  • Activities for social service
  • Leadership development activities (e.g. training, workshops, seminars, etc.)